Construction Apps - Mobile & Web Application Development

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Construction mobile apps made to improve the way you do things out on the field

Our construction web apps – tested in the field by our own clients in the construction industry – make it easier than ever to showcase your company’s full range of construction activities in an appropriate, intuitive way. Therefore, application development is the perfect platform for a construction company to enhance their business opportunities and increase revenue.

Apps allow us to work more efficiently, safely and improve visibility across the company

Mobile apps and web applications development have seen an increase in popularity for all types of businesses. Depending on whether you need mobile apps or web apps, these apps can provide numerous benefits for your business. With construction mobile and web application development, you can streamline business operations, increase convenience and improve accessibility when you’re on the go.

Our construction mobile applications enable you to showcase projects, offer virtual tours of them, and locate each on a range of interactive maps. The construction app’s content is controlled centrally, ensuring that every user has access to the same information – and therefore uniform messaging – at all times.

These types of construction apps can act as digital brochures, business presentation apps, and even project management tools– accessible by all your staff if you so wish, and always up to date.

The choice between construction web applications and construction mobile apps is governed by the software and devices on which you wish your construction app to run. Web apps utilise common web browser packages such as Internet Explorer or Chrome; mobile apps launch from the basic operating systems of mobile devices, such as iOS or Android.

Talk to us today about creating a construction app tailored to your business

We love meeting new people and discussing new app projects. So contact our construction app developers today – and start building the application your business is crying out for. View our Thomas Vale App case study and our other construction app case studies to see what we have developed for a range of companies.