All types of industries are embracing applications to create a better experience not just for their customers but also their employees. We have found moving from a manual process which involves repetitive data, compulsory information collection which is also time sensitive, to a new digital process has enormous benefits.
For example at Apps+ we helped develop an app for the construction industry called Under Construction, designed to improve the Health & Safety and compliance management on construction sites.
Below we take a look at how the technical and coding aspects of an application can deliver a range of benefits for businesses, making processes not only efficient and effective but also eliminating some human error elements.
Automation ensures that tasks are completed and not forgotten. In workplaces there is paperwork that needs to be completed – it could be daily or weekly but in some cases the paperwork can be forgotten about. By transferring to a digital application this can no longer happen because of reminders, push notifications, alerts and all forms being in one place.
Using the Under Construction app as an example, supervisors need to remember to complete certain Health and Safety forms within a time frame. By using automation within the app it means that employees no longer have to set their own reminders to do this because the app guides them when forms need to be completed. It also raises red flags when information is missing, or incorrect.
Businesses that rely on staff collecting and submitting a large amount of data need to ensure consistency. Implementing the right digital process can eliminate this problem. An app can be designed so that information can only be returned if it is complete and contains the level of information required. This means no one needs to now spend time double checking and clarifying what has been returned – everything is complete and consistent each time. You’ll also benefit from a whole new level of insight that just isn’t available from a manual process.
Using a device to collect, submit and store vital data means that the data is always accessible. As the data is live, you’ll always be able to access the latest records and not spend hours digging through paperwork. Everything is in one place and there’s an audit trail.
With Under Construction for example, we built a system that saves managers hours of work going through folders of forms. The application also provides accessibility features for their clients should they need it.
Including software features, such as photo capture or digital signatures within an application can make it more powerful. These features not only help improve accountability but also prove very helpful for evidence purposes or to illustrate an issue.
Within businesses communication is key. It’s important to have all important documents in one place, where they can be easily updated and made live immediately. By having cloud storage employees know they are accessing the correct information every time.
Do you think your business is ready to move to a new digital process? If so please contact us and we can talk through how an application may benefit you.