Apps + Product Finalist in 2 Prestigious National Awards

By admin, Nov 12, 2021

Apps+ had the pleasure of helping to develop Under Construction which has been nominated for two national awards. The Building Innovation Awards and the National Building and Construction Awards celebrate ideas that have the potential to change the construction industry.

This innovative application was designed hand in hand with Gridlocked, who are a construction company based in Birmingham. They recognised there could be improvements made when working with their SHEQ requirements in mind. More time is being spent completing paperwork and Under Construction allows time to be better spent, managing construction operatives, equipment and risks on site. Gridlocked consulted with our team at Apps+ and we began the process of creating a digital process that can change how any building and construction company works. 

Nick Clements, a specialist at Apps+ in UX design, explains more about the development of the product:  

“When we start work with a client, we always take the time at the outset to really understand their business processes and specification needs. In this case it was really clear that a site supervisor is an incredibly busy job and we knew that the app would only be successful if we delivered the requirements through an interface that was simple, easy and quick to use. That same premise also applied to the construction managers in terms of setting up new compliance  forms – so they are always fit for purpose, we made the forms completely customisable within the app.     

Working in close collaboration with our clients from the beginning enables us to get the design of the user interface and experience exactly right and is critical to a project’s success.  

Having worked on a range of different apps for different business sectors, it’s hugely rewarding when we see how the end product has made a big difference, as is the case with Gridlocked and Under Construction. Of course, when the product gets nominated for 2  national awards, then we are even more proud!”

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