Menus, photography, font faces; colours, animations, navigation. Web design has many aspects and numerous elements. Increasingly, however, video is one of the most important.
Gone are the days when video in web design was a bad idea: connection speeds and software capability is now such that including video as part of your site won’t result in slow load times or laggy interactions.
That means that the benefits of video now outweigh the negatives of deploying it. But what are those benefits? Here are the top five.
Good web design is about creating great experiences: the more your users enjoy your site, the more time they will spend on it … and the more likely they, therefore, are to become customers.
What video does is offer you a great hook with which to capture users and engage them quickly, easily and effectively with your messaging: all selling is storytelling, and video is a great way to tell stories.
Video is impactful and exciting. It communicates clearly and, at its best, concisely. And, most of all, users love to watch it.
And that’s why you should use video content in web design.
We provide mobile app design and development for all project requirements, both consumer and business apps. If you’re in need of a mobile app or just have an idea for a project you wish to discuss, please contact us to arrange a consultancy.
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