Cloud mobile apps are the latest development in mobile app technology. In this fastest moving of areas, cloud mobile apps unlock new and different functions that may not have been available before.
Previously, apps were “native” – in other words, they were installed on your mobile phone, alongside all the app data they needed. In effect, they were local packages of software – useful, but locked to a single device.
Cloud apps, on the other hand, are stored on, and access from, remote servers. A user’s device connects to the app, its data and functions, via a web browser – that is, unlike with a native app, a cloud app is stored elsewhere … and therefore accessible from more than one location.
This key difference between how the app operates, and where it stores itself, opens up a range of options to both developers and users – and makes available to them, too, a set of unique benefits.
- Cloud app development costs are lower than native apps. Depending on the complexity of the mobile app, cloud mobile apps can be cheaper to develop than native apps. This makes these apps ideal for businesses with limited funds to invest.
- Cloud apps can be used without installing. On the end-user side, cloud mobile apps do not have to be installed – instead, they are accessed. Because they are hosted on a remote server, and not on the phone’s memory itself, they are instead very easily accessed via a web browser.
- Cloud apps provide secure storage for data. Unlike native apps, which store their related data locally, cloud mobile apps store information on the cloud. Due to this, there is less chance of information being lost: lose your phone, or allow it to be compromised, and your data is still secure on the server.
- Cloud apps can be launched at the same time on different platforms. Unlike native apps that are developed specifically for one platform, cloud apps can be used on both Android and iOS – because they are accessed via web browsers, they are not locked, as native apps are, to the OS for which they were designed.
- Cloud apps save development time. Because cloud mobile apps can be used on both platforms, the development time necessary for producing native apps for each of those operating systems is, of course, significantly reduced.
In short, eschewing native apps is well worth exploring – in part because of these five benefits of cloud mobile apps.
Contact Apps Plus for Mobile App Development
We provide mobile app design and development for all project requirements, both consumer and business apps. If you’re in need of a mobile app or just have an idea for a project you wish to discuss, please contact us to arrange a consultancy.
Call us on 024 7683 4780 or email us at