iOS & Android
iPhone, iPad and Android Tablets
8 Months
Tradespeople are some of the busiest small business owners in the country. In this sense, they can benefit hugely from support on the administrative side of things. Expert Trades is a company who specialise in providing just this sort of helping hand: via their website and app, they provide a suite of digital tools to help tradespeople build and maintain their business, knowledge bases and relationships. They came to us to ask if we could take their existing App to the next level, by redesigning and rebuilding it.
The Expert Trades app for Tradespeople can manage their records, invoicing and purchase orders, appointments and contracts. The new version has improved significantly upon Expert Trades’ previous offering: as soon as the new app launched, the company experienced immediate account upgrades – which they hadn’t experienced with any previous release. That level of user engagement is crucial for the subscription basis on which Expert Trades provide the app … and will drive further take up too.
Good design makes great services better.