iOS, Web and Android
Apple and Android devices, plus all modern web browsers
12 months
Getting into property is, we are routinely told, as sound an investment as it is possible to make. The key, however, is often finding the right property – where and what type – and also understanding what might be an appropriate price to pay. That means that the obstacles to entry of the property investor club can be high – and the benefits of property investment become harder to access.
Property Investor is an app which powers an invitation-only group of investors. It presents to its members a range of good property investments – around 15-20 per week. These are offered to the membership on a first come, first served basis, and the app sends push notifications to users to let them know when a new property matching their criteria arrives on the system. With a great user experience, direct messaging facilities and the ability to favourite particular properties, it’s never been easier to reserve a great investment.
Good design makes everything easier.